Providing Relaxing and Therapeutic Massage Services
Providing Relaxing and Therapeutic Massage Services

Experience the ultimate massage therapy session with Ethical Massage Tampa in Tampa, Florida. We provide professional, therapeutic massage and structural integration treatments to help relieve your stress and pain while relaxing your mind and body.
Scientific research proves that massage therapy improves circulation, increases range of motion and flexibility, and reduces inflammation and pain. It also helps relieve many common ailments, such as stress, muscle tightness, aches, and pains — even anxiety and depression. Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of massage therapy when received on a regular basis?
What are the benefits of massage therapy when received on a regular basis?
Massage therapy helps you relax, realign, and rejuvenate. There are many positive aspects to receiving massage therapy on an ongoing basis. With the busy lives we lead, we can all benefit from a little stress management. Our experienced professional therapists provide exceptional care and will design an effective customized massage treatment to address your individual needs.
More and more Americans are turning to therapeutic massage treatments to relax and relieve tension associated with the daily stresses of their busy lives or simply to maintain good health and achieve a balanced lifestyle. Oh, let's not forget how great it feels to be treated by a professional licensed massage therapist.
Are the benefits of massage therapy or structural integration accumulative?
Are the benefits of massage therapy or structural integration accumulative?
Yes! There are so many health benefits to receiving massage therapy on a regular basis, and these are accumulative. Getting a massage:
- Relieves Stress
- Relaxes Muscles
- Improves Posture
- Helps Manage Pain
- Induces Relaxation
- Improves Circulation
- Increases Self- Worth
- Lowers Blood Pressure
- Relieves Tension Headaches
- Strengthens Immune System
- Heightens Levels of Well Being
- Improves Rehabilitation After Injury
- Enhances Post-Operative Rehabilitation
- Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion
Can massage therapy or structural integration be medically beneficial?
Can massage therapy or structural integration be medically beneficial?
Yes! Recent scientific research proves that regular professional massages increase immune function, decrease stress levels, and reduce recovery time in many medical conditions including:
- Sports-Related and Other Types of Injuries
- Scoliosis
- Sciatica
- Arthritis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
- TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction)
- Circulatory Problems
- Musculo-Skeletal Disorders
- Migraine Headaches
- Allergies, Asthma, and Bronchitis
- Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- General Daily Stresses
- Depression and Anxiety
- Insomnia
Are Gift Certificates Available?
Are Gift Certificates Available?
Gift Certificates can be purchased in any dollar amount.

Does Ethical Massage have a
"24-Hour Courtesy Call Cancellation Policy?"
Does Ethical Massage have a
"24-Hour Courtesy Call Cancellation Policy?"
Ethical Massage Tampa has a...
"Courtesy Call Cancellation Policy."
If you have an emergency and need to reschedule,
kindly give us a call 24 hours prior to your appointment.
This way, someone who is on our waiting list can schedule in your time slot
or you will be charged 50% of the amount for your missed appointment time.
Is it customary to leave a "gratuity" for my Massage Therapist?
20% of the total bill is the customary rate of the gratuity for a Licensed Massage Therapists
and will be greatly appreciated!
Do I have to be draped during my massage?
Do I have to be draped during my massage?
Ethical Massage Tampa has a...
"Draping Policy."
You will be properly covered with a sheet and blanket provided while receiving massage treatments.
Only the area that is receiving the work will be exposed.
Ethical Massage Tampa also has a...
"Zero Tolerance Policy"
Sexual Services are NOT provided by Ethical Massage Tampa.
Any sexual advances, lewd and lascivious acts,
excessively touching your own private parts,
exhibition, or soliciting sexual services by you will terminate your massage treatment immediately,
and payment for the full massage appointment time will be charged and collected at that time.
All rights to future massage appointments with Ethical Massage Tampa will be prohibited.
Note: If you are struggling with a Sex Addiction, please contact a Licensed Mental Health Care Provider.
We are a state-licensed professional massage therapy service provider for over 35 years
and are regulated by the Florida State Department of Health like other health care professionals such as Physicians and Nurses.
Does Ethical Massage Tampa require a membership?
Does Ethical Massage Tampa require a membership?
No membership is required by Ethical Massage Tampa!
Have you ever received a Professional Massage and left feeling like you never received one at all?
When you schedule with Ethical Massage Tampa, you will receive a full table time, not a rushed 50-minute, so-called 1-hour massage like with other franchises. You get the full 60-minute massage with us.
Your service will not be rushed or get cut short in order to fill out a Medical Health Form. Your massage time doesn’t include your consultation prior to your massage, the time you disrobe prior to your massage, when you use the restroom prior to your massage, and when you dress prior to leaving!
You get the full advertised table time you deserve with us! Ethical Massage Tampa gives you a better value for your money. We offer free 10-minute consultations prior to the start of your session that is not included in your 60- or 90-minute massage time on the table.
You can relax and have peace of mind knowing you will receive your scheduled massage time, which your body and mind requires and deserves for you to heal.
What is Esalen Massage?
What is Esalen Massage?
The Original Style of Esalen Massage straight out of Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California involves relaxing, meditative, soothing, long, and slow-flowing strokes over the body to release stress while giving a nurturing feeling of calmness, wholeness, peace, tranquility, healing, and stillness of mind.
Does Ethical Massage Tampa provide Mobile Stress-Buster Chair Massages for corporate wellness programs?
Does Ethical Massage Tampa provide Mobile Stress-Buster Chair Massages for corporate wellness programs?
Sorry, this service is currently unavailable.
Show your staff that you care and appreciate all that they do for you with Stress-Buster Chair Massages!
The Stress-Buster Chair Massage offers the following benefits:
- Reduce Your Staff's Job Stress
- Increase Employee Production
- Increase Self-Esteem
- Increase Morale
- Reduce Computer work related neck pain and eye strain
- Decrease Sick Days
Does Ethical Massage Tampa provide out-call or mobile service?
Does Ethical Massage Tampa provide out-call or mobile service?
Sorry, this service is currently unavailable.
Ethical Massage Tampa can travel to hotels, homes, or offices with a portable massage chair or table. For your peace of mind and to ensure your safety, we will wear proper professional work attire with an Ethical Massage name tag on (a requirement of the state of Florida). We also provide an Ethical Massage business card with our valid State License number on it.
Is there a fee for Ethical Massage to travel to me?
Sorry, this service is currently unavailable.
Due to gas expense, travel time, and setup of the equipment, we require a minimal fee per visit. For more information...
Click on the "Hamburger Link Icon" (The Icon of the Three Lines Stacked Up. Next click on "Prices"